
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀

Dwyer德威尔 A-396A 校验手泵/手动泵

价  格:询价

产  地:美国更新时间:2021-02-23 11:42

品  牌:德威尔型  号:A-396A

状  态:正常点击量:2048



联 系 人: 上海非利加实业有限公司

电   话: 400-006-7520

传   真: 400-006-7520

配送方式: 上海自提或三方快递


作为压力源来校准压力/差压表,变送器或校准压力开关设定点。它配合高精度的压力/差压计或其他校准用压力表***起使用,带有压力微调器和快速排放阀。可产生从十*分之几英寸水柱微压到72psig (5bar)的压力。带有快速接头,三通接头和3根36"长的乙烯塑料软管。

The MODEL A-396A Calibration Pump serves as pressure source to calibrate gages

and transmitters or to set pressure switches. Use with manometer or other pressure

standard. Includes volume adjuster enabling fine pressure control and bleed valve.

Generates pressures from a fraction of an in w.c. to 72 psig (5 bar). Includes barbed

fitting, tee connector and three 36? lengths of vinyl tubing.


A-396A型 校验手泵

作为压力源来校准压力/差压表,变送器或校准压力开关设定点。它配合高精度的压力/差压计或其他校准用压力表一起使用,带有压力微调器和快速排放阀。可产生从十*分之几英寸水柱微压到72psig (5bar)的压力。带有快速接头,三通接头和3根36"长的乙烯塑料软管。

The MODEL A-396A Calibration Pump serves as pressure source to calibrate gages

and transmitters or to set pressure switches. Use with manometer or other pressure

standard. Includes volume adjuster enabling fine pressure control and bleed valve.

Generates pressures from a fraction of an in w.c. to 72 psig (5 bar). Includes barbed

fitting, tee connector and three 36? lengths of vinyl tubing.


A-396A型 校验手泵

作为压力源来校准压力/差压表,变送器或校准压力开关设定点。它配合高精度的压力/差压计或其他校准用压力表***起使用,带有压力微调器和快速排放阀。可产生从十*分之几英寸水柱微压到72psig (5bar)的压力。带有快速接头,三通接头和3根36"长的乙烯塑料软管。

The MODEL A-396A Calibration Pump serves as pressure source to calibrate gages

and transmitters or to set pressure switches. Use with manometer or other pressure

standard. Includes volume adjuster enabling fine pressure control and bleed valve.

Generates pressures from a fraction of an in w.c. to 72 psig (5 bar). Includes barbed

fitting, tee connector and three 36? lengths of vinyl tubing.
