美国海思创 Hysitron
美国Hysitron 海思创自豪地成为全球领先的纳米力学仪器制造商,自从1992年为科学界带来了尖端的检测技术。 作为纳米压痕和纳米力学性能测量的先驱,Hysitron(海思创)设计和生产了现有大多数的先进仪器,这促进了纳米科技世界发展到当前的水平。
仪器如 TI系列 和TS 系列 让研究者和制造商可以进行精确纳米尺度测量力学属性如硬度,弹性模量,摩擦,耐磨性和粘合强度。Hysitron(海思创)仪器实现材料评价尺度从超薄薄膜到块体积材料,同时也提供了独有能力独立或和原位扫描探针显微成像一起进行定量纳米压痕和纳米划痕测试。
Hysitron is proud to be the world leader in nanomechanical testing and has brought cutting edge technology to the scientific community since 1992. As the pioneers in nanoindentation and nanomechanical property measurement, Hysitron has helped develop the world of nanotechnology to where it is today.
If you are new to Hysitron or to the nanomechanical testing and nanoindentation frontier, take a few minutes to learn some background information on what makes us the leaders in our field, and a respected partner to our worldwide client base.
We at Hysitron are proud to collaborate with academics and researchers worldwide and currently have nanoindenter systems on six continents as well as hundreds of research papers in the fields of nanoindentation, nanomechanical testing and nanotechnology.
Click on a link in the left hand column to find out more about our technology, history or to meet some of the members of Hysitron.