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Horus Laser
Horus Laser Horus Laser

法国Horus Laser
成立于2007年的法国Horus Laser S.A.S公司是一家初创的企业。公司位于法国的Limoges, 与Limoges大学的XLIM实验室有着紧密的合作关系。Horus Laser致力于微片激光器的研发与生产,并拥有亚纳秒脉冲微片激光器的专利技术。 Horus Laser激光器的重复频率可达100KHz, 脉宽为0.6ns~4ns, 平均功率可达0.5W,其广泛应用于高速显微机械加工,金刚石压花、激光调阻、3D扫描等领域。

The company Horus Laser S.A.S. produces new microchip lasers with sub-nanosecond pulses for industries and science.

Based on our new technology (under patent pending), we are able to push beyond the actual characteristics and possibilities of the microchip lasers:

higher frequencies up to 100 kHz for high speed micromachining and optimal seeding of optical fiber amplifiers

very clean pulse for high accuracy ranging high average

power up to 0.5 W for diamond marking and trimming

pulse duration available from 0.6 ns up to 4 ns depending of the application
