日本日置HIOKI :日本日置电机株式会社(HIOKI jp)自1935年成立以来,经过不断地发展壮大,现已确立了在先进测试测量工艺技术研发及制造领域的国际性重要地位。日本日置电机株式会社的目标很明确:在环境保护的前提下,促进社会的发展。作为一名值得信赖的生产者与社会成员,日本日置电机株式会社希望通过绿化、奖学金制度、赞助少儿体育队等活动,为当地社区文化和教育事业的发展做出贡献。有了广大客户在世界范围的互动支持,HIOKI坚信,HIOKI的价值观及信仰、产品质量及服务理念都将在新世纪得到不断发展和完善。
1990年,HIOKI将本部迁至长野上田市郊外-有着“信州的镰仓”之称的盐田平。在搬迁之际,我们号召全体社员,在厂址外围植树60,000余棵,营造了一个森林公园式的新型公司模式。这里集中开发·制造·销售等所有部门,我们将它取名为「HIOKI FOREST HILLS」。
2005年9月,为了追求更高的生产效率,我们又开始了新厂房的建设。并已经在2006年8月顺利竣工。这次的新厂房,继承以往的本部和工厂一体化的设计,力求研究开发和制造的同步化,以最高,最快的服务来满足客户的各种各样的需求。 21世纪,环境·安全·国际化·IT等课题倍受关注,如今,激变这个关键词也被列入瞩目课题之内。在这个变化速度极快的多变时代,模仿他社的作法已经无法对应这个时代的变化。我们公司当然也不满足现状,在HIOKI创业70周年之际的2005年这个有重大意义的「新创业元年」,继续推出「挑战独一无二」的口号,开始了向更高水平的挑战。
HIOKI's corporate philosophy is summarized by our guiding principles of "Respect for Humanity" and "Contribution to Society", and it is these goals that form the backbone of all of our activities. Through our dedication to provide electrical measuring instruments as fundamental tools for every industrial sector, HIOKI has long contributed to the development of industry and society as a whole.
For the first 40 years since the founding of our company in 1935, HIOKI's core business was characterized by increasing mass production of electrical meters and testers, and symbolizes the first stage of our corporate life. Then, in the 30 years beginning in the 1970's, the second stage saw us focusing on further enhancing the quality of our products while at the same time modernizing our management structure and carrying out intensive R&D projects. As a result, the current four primary product categories were established.
HIOKI has now entered into the third stage of our corporate tenure, in which we are leveraging new fields of competencies. 2007 proved to be a banner year in this respect, as it was marked by new ventures that emerged from a business reorganization, and the establishment of our sales subsidiary in China in April. It was a year of new beginnings - and we intend to continue on this exciting course. Working together in unison to further improve our business performance, we are looking forward to taking on even more challenges while staying firmly rooted in our solid company philosophy.