美国Hamilton Thorne
Xyclone 是美国Hamilton Thorne Bioscience 公司为全球所有致力于胚胎研究,转基因研究,干细胞研究以及动物生殖,育种,克隆等研究学者度身定做的一套激光破膜系统。仅用于科学研究。
Xyclone 主要由带激光发生器的物镜,摄像机和带图形处理硬件和软件的电脑三部分构成。激光发生器安装在物镜转换台上,放大倍数为20倍或40倍。通过电脑设定好激光的强度,确定号激光作用的准确位置,使用脚踏板或鼠标即可发射激光,在胚胎或卵细胞的透明带,卵黄膜上打孔。
Hamilton Thorne, Inc. is a leading provider of advanced laser systems and instruments for in-vitro cell applications in the regenerative medicine research and fertility clinic markets.
Hamilton Thorne's ZILOS-tk and XYClone laser systems attach to standard inverted microscopes and operate as robotic micro-surgeons, reducing time and increasing efficiency in key stem cell, embryo and living cell procedures. Hamilton Thorne's CASA systems are designed to bring quality, efficiency and reliability to studies of reproductive cells in the animal, human infertility and reproductive toxicology fields.
The Company's novel laser systems are rapidly emerging as the dominant products to facilitate precise micro-surgical procedures with stem cells and other living cells in the laboratory. Specific applications include the reduction from nine months to six weeks to develop transgenic animal models, dramatic reductions in cell damage during micro-surgical procedures and 50% higher yields for many cell procedures.
The Company sells its products to pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, fertility clinics, university research centers and other commercial and academic research establishments worldwide. Hamilton Thorne's current customers include some of the leading research labs in the world, including Harvard University, MIT, Yale, Dupont, Monsanto, Charles River Labs, Jackson Labs, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Oxford University and Cambridge.
In May 2008, the Company spun off its molecular diagnostics unit to Thorne Diagnostics.
Formed in 2002, Hamilton Thorne is a venture-backed company, headquartered in Beverly, Massachusetts. The company employs an engineering, research, production and professional staff of thirty and has access to world-class scientists through its Scientific Advisory Board.
"With the XYClone, I have been able to take a process that took months and reduce it to days" Kathy Mohr, University of North Carolina, Transgenic Resource Center.