Allentown Caging and Equipment Co., Inc ( 简称 美国ACE公司)成立于1968年. 是位于美国东部纽泽西州的一家超过35年历史的专业实验动物笼具制造及设计公司, 是美国最大的实验动物笼器具生产和供应商,产品遍布全球各主要实验动物研究机构。ACE公司的成功得益于公司真诚的商业理念;精心的产品设计和制造;完善和超值的售后服务。
Allentown 公司主要产品:
ACE的产品主要有各种实验动物饲养笼、动物饲养盒更换台、生物安全工作站、废弃垫料处理台、实验鱼类饲养器具等。其中新型的微环境独立通风式正/ 负压饲养系统(IVC)倍受广大科研人员的青睐。占美观IVC市场的2/3以上。另外,工程服务方面,ACE可以提供实验动物房的规划, 动物房空调净化系统的设计、施工、调试和技术维护等服务。
In March of 1968, Michael A. Coiro, Sr. founded Allentown Inc. Since then Allentown has asserted itself as an industry leader by supplying quality products and services. Allentown's dedication to excellence is evident through the more than 14,000 Allentown IVC racks in use worldwide. With strong business integrity, meticulous attention to detail, and unparalleled service & support, Allentown has laid the foundation to be an industry leader for years to come.
Located in Allentown, New Jersey, Allentown Inc.'s 200,000 square foot manufacturing facility is fully capable of providing timely, cost-effective solutions for any biomedical research facility. From computer-aided design, development through automated fabrication and welding, Allentown products are manufactured with tight tolerances to precise specifications. Our experienced work force combines craftsmanship with innovation, constantly refining our manufacturing process to insure our customers the highest quality product, at a competitive price.