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美国GWC Technologies  
美国GWC生物技术公司生产的SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统在最近举行的美国AVS协会的年会中被选为五个最创新产品之一,以表彰GWC生物技术公司生产的SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统在生物传感器研发中所起到的作用。与GWC生物技术公司同时获得此殊荣的还有美国赛默飞世尔(Thermo-Fisher)以及岛津公司的子公司 – Kratos Analytical等公司。
SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统为研究人员提供了一个可以在芯片上同时研究多个蛋白质的平台。该平台无需传统蛋白质研究中常用的荧光标记或其他的化学标记。使用上述传统的标记物会改变蛋白质的功能,而SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统的无标记分析则完全避免了这些问题。
SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统为工作在生物、化学、物理及工程的边缘科学的研究者们提供了一个强有力的工具,使得研发人员能够在SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统的开放平台上比传统方法或其他通道型等离子共振仪更加便捷、有效地建立新的蛋白质分析检测方法。
GWC生物技术公司总裁Tim Burland博士说:SPRimager® II等离子共振矩阵芯片分析系统获此殊荣,表明该公司产品在无标记分析领域处于领先地位,相关的生物科学、材料科学以及生物工程等学科都将受益于GWC产品。
GWC Technologies' goal is to provide easy-to-use, reliable detection systems backed by excellent technical support and field service, along with the reagents and supplies that researchers want.
Our products yield higher information content than the alternatives that they enhance or supplant, and are easy to use, versatile and affordable. Plus, GWC's people are scientists and engineers like you. If you need help or have questions about our products, our friendly and capable staff, backed by top scientists in your field, are available by phone and email.

If you prefer to deal only with companies who have strong reputations, you should know that GWC Technologies has satisfied users in over a dozen countries. We could tell you more, but when it comes to our reputation, we would rather let our customers do the talking:
