Grumbach孵化器在专业孵化领域代表着最现代最进步的水平,成立于1982年,并且在世界各地都获得了成功的应用。Grumbach 公司可以提供多种孵化器,可以用来孵化家禽、鹦鹉、鸵鸟以及爬行类动物。
In 1982 the company „Karl Grumbach“ in Münchholzhausen, Germany, followed the request of many customers by starting to produce innovative incubators. We regarded this as a task that was worth being fulfilled. We were enthusiastic and ready to use the technique and materials we already knew from other products. Despite best conditions it was a long and hard way from the idea to the final product, not to mention the costs.
Many difficulties started to arise and discouraged us, but we knew it was the right way.
In 1987 the seperation of the original firm „Karl Grumbach“ and the foundation of the independent company „Grumbach incubators GmbH“ with its managing director Winfried Föhles took place with five employees and five temporary workers.
In 1991 increasing orders demanded a removal to larger production rooms and a bigger sales department.
Between 1991 and 2002 our company became known throughout the world by a permanent extension of our sales and growing represantive engagement in other countries.
At present our company is globally representent in 20 countries.