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GR Scientific 
英国GRS公司通过二十年以上的丰富经验成功的研制了Cou-Lo Aquamax 库仑卡尔费休滴定仪。可用于润滑油、油脂、胺类、焦油、原油、油漆、黏合剂等石油、化工生产过程与产品中水分的测定;充油电器设备绝缘油中水分的测定;医药、农药、粮食、炸药、纺织品、颜料、油漆、矿物原料等物质中水分的测定。

Key personnel at G.R. Scientific are recognised experts in coulometric Karl Fischer titration technology. They have designed and manufactured coulometric titrators since the early 1980’s and are widely regarded as some of the leading specialists in this technique.

GR Scientific titrators are used by many leading companies in the oil, petrochemical, gas, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, automotive, and power generation industries.

Our state of the art product range includes the Cou-Lo Aquamax KF, which has evolved from the industry leading model Cou-Lo Compact, offering new standards in versatility and ease of operation.

