德国葛莱娜第一生化有限公司 Greiner Bio-One
Greiner Bio-One是来自德国的一家生命科学耗材及高科技产品生产企业。公司始建于1868年,1963年开始为生命科学领域服务,至今Greiner Bio-One的品牌已经成为世界上实验室耗材领域的领先者。葛莱娜第一生化有限公司在全球拥有超过1000的员工,业务涉及全球100多个国家。在2004年底在中国的上海设立代表处,全面代表德国总部,负责中国市场客户的联络和服务工作。代表处将为德国生产厂与中国分销商以及我们的最终用户架起一座沟通的桥梁,及时互享产品信息,更好的为生命科学工作者服务。
Our company is a Gloabal Player: With approximately 1200 employees, 18 subsidiaries, and numerous distribution partners, we are active in more than 100 countries all over the world
Carl Albert Greiner founded the firm in 1868, which originally started out producing corks. Later, Greiner specialised in the processing of synthetics. Greiner Bio-One GmbH in Frickenhausen, which belongs to the BioScience division of the Greiner Bio-One International AG holding company, is responsible for the manufacture of the firm’s laboratory products. The portfolio includes diagnostic and analytical methods, HTS products (High-Throughput Screening) for the screening of pharmaceutical active agents, specialist vessels for tissue culture and products used in the context of biochip technology (PapilloCheck® for the early detection of cervical cancer, ParoCheck® for the detection of periodontal pathogens, CarnoCheck® for the detection of the DNA of eight animal species in food, CytoCheck® for the quality assurance in the biopharmaceutical industry).