C. Gerhardt,1846 年在德国波恩成立,一个160 多岁依然活跃在实验室仪器界的德国老牌仪器供应商,以创新技术和高质量闻名于世,一直致力于向全世界实验室供应高档次的实验室仪器。
C. Gerhardt——德国格哈特实验室仪器公司 从19 世纪开始经营实验室加热器具和耗材,到20 世纪初产品目录多达600页,10,000 种产品,成为科隆/波恩地区著名的设备供应商;
从20世纪70 年代专攻实验室设备研发生产,到今天以
首台全自动索氏抽提系统Soxtherm 和
首台全自动经典浸提法纤维测定仪Fibretherm 等
今天的C. Gerhardt,在德国前首都波恩的郊区Königswinter(国王冬天——莱茵河上一胜景)自己独立的现代化工厂中,拥有了先进的平台生产技术,实现了快速高效的生产;拥有了自己的实验室,接纳客户实验,每年都获得德国权威的RingTest 合格证书VDLUFA(联合测试合格证书),对自己产品进行最严格的技术检验。
广州格哈特以及Gerhardt 华南技术服务中心目前负责的地区包括广东、广西、海南、云南、湖南、江西和福建等省,依靠知识、依靠经验、依靠享誉市场的服务理念,注重技术支持,注重及时到位的服务,注重客户的反馈意见,力求向广大客户提供一个无忧无虑的实验“家园”。
In 1846, C. Gerhardt was founded by Dr. Ludwig Clamor Marquart as "Marquart's Lager chemischer Utensilien" in Bonn. This makes the company one of the oldest laboratory suppliers in the world still in existance. In 1872, Carl Gerhardt bought the company and renamed it "C. Gerhardt Fabrik & Lager chemischer Apparate" - a name that guarantees quality and innovation ever since. In 1918, Dr. Walter Gerhardt, the son of Carl Gerhardt took over the company. After his death in 1958, Dr. Wolfgang Macke, a grandson of Carl Gerhardt became the owner of the company. Since 1975, his son Dr. Til Macke has been the CEO of the company. He acquired a large property in the industrial area of Königswinter-Oberdollendorf and the company was moved out there in 2003. Thus, the fifth generation with Jan and Tom Macke, have now a solid base again from where they will be leading Gerhardt into a successful future.
Today, emphasis is put on working closely with customers. The constantly growing demands of the market are met by user-friendly and state-of-the-art equipment developed by the highly innovative R & D department. The construction of advanced electronic controls along with the sophisticated software they require is the main task of nowadays. Furthermore, the introduction of the CE label meets the highest level of safety standards. Today, each product leaving C. Gerhardt has a CE label. The complete production process of all Gerhardt products from development to shipment is constantly monitored under quality management systems.
The established range of Gerhardt heating equipments has been updated to conform to the latest CE regulations. The range comprises of hotplates, sandbaths, serial hotplates and serial flask heaters.
The new generation of shakers is the answer to the growing demand for robust and state-of-the-art instruments. It can be supplied with an RS 485 interface.
Digestion systems
The new generation of the traditional Kjeldatherm product range offers significant improvements in the heating up time, reduction of power consumption as well as a weight reduction of 30 %.Turbotherm is a flexible rapid digestion system for flasks with 100, 250, 400, and 800 ml.
Distillation systems
For more than 20 years Gerhardt has been offering rapid distillation systems under the brand name Vapodest. These instruments are used for the steam distillation of Kjeldahl digestion solutions and other samples.
Extraction systems
Soxtherm simplifies and accelerates the traditional Soxhlet-method in all areas. The patented technology is fully automated and has 5 stages. It is up to 5 times faster than the traditional Soxhlet Method.