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GEB Gene Era Biotech   
Gene Era Biotech成立于2010年2月, 总部位于美国加利弗尼亚,是一家主要从事高端生物实验耗材的研发、生产、以及精密模具制造的高科技生产型企业。

杭州金源为Gene Era Biotech在中国的全资子公司,负责GEB产品在亚太地区的销售,仓储。

Gene Era Biotech在美国以及中国共拥有5000平方米厂房和1200平方米万级无尘车间,其生产的所有产品均确保无DNase, RNase, 蛋白酶以及外源性DNA/RNA。

Gene Era Biotech拥有专业的国际化生产研发以及市场销售团队,设备齐全的精密模具制造车间,和高精度的数字控制生产设备。

Gene Era Biotech拥有多项发明专利,和先进的工艺及表面处理技术,产品广泛用于分子生物学与细胞生物学、常规临床检验、药物筛选、基因组学与蛋白质组学研究等领域。

Gene Era Biotech is devoted to providing industry-leading technology for life science plastic consumables. These products are widely used in molecular biology, cell biology research, routine clinical diagnostics, bio-energy and drug discovery.

Our goal is to produce the highest quality plastic consumables available on the market today. Our researchers are devoted to delivering industry leading innovations while employing the most advanced technology and techniques in the industry.

Gene Era Biotech utilizes the latest techniques of design development and production in order to ensure the highest quality of plastic consumables. All of our products are manufactured in a state-of-the-art clean room, which is certified free of RNase, DNase, protease, and endotoxin. We use 99.9% virgin polymer, and all products must pass a rigorous quality control testing procedure developed by our science and engineering specialists before entering the market.

Customer Service
We pride ourselves on our communication abilities and promise that every order will be met professionally and in a timely manner. Our quality is not just met by our products but also with the relationship we strive on having with our customers.
