日本Frontier Laboratories
Frontier 公司是研发生产热裂解系统的专业公司,采用微炉式结构,实时测定样品温度,裂解结果重现性好,比其他同类产品重现性高出10倍以上。可用色谱/质谱谱图检索分析结果。其独特的设计克服了原有的热丝式裂解器﹑居里点式裂解器重现性差,高沸点物质易损失的缺陷。
Frontier Laboratories’ 2020iD multi-functional pyrolyzer is the most widely used pyrolyzer in the world. It is the only pyrolysis system commercially available that guarantees precision, inertness and accuracy. Scientists select the Frontier multi-functional pyrolyzer when faced with challenging analytical problems because of its simplicity, multiple operating modes [Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA), Thermal Desorption (TD), Pyrolysis (Py), Reactive Pyrolysis and Heart-Cutting of individual thermal zones (HC-GC/MS)], versatility and its compatibility with virtually any gas chromatograph (GC) or GC/MS. The Frontier pyrolyzer often is the first instrument used by scientists, when faced with the challenge of characterizing a complex material.
The Frontier pyrolyzer is supported by a worldwide network of highly trained Business Partners - each responsible for complete customer satisfaction within their areas of responsibility. The distributors are supported directly by the R&D group in Koriyama, Japan. Our customers can draw on the expertise of their local distributor, as well as the experts in Koriyama.