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AIXUV 有限公司是一家Extreme Ultraviolet radiation-XUV(极紫外线辐射)系统光源和部件的供应商。该公司的核心产品是基于压缩气体发光的EUV(极紫外线)灯,这种灯主要用于EUV 平板印刷元件的开发,或作为一种新的分析手段。
XUV(极紫外线辐射)的光谱范围介于X- 光和真空紫外线之间。在此范围内,内核电子的光电效应占主导地位。XUV 光谱范围包括X 软光(用来检测活细胞)和EUV(可能应用于将来的芯片平版印刷)。EUV 同时支持10 纳米级的横向解析度和最高的交叉截面,这使得XUV 特
我们的EUV 灯附加了环形光束,可用于单独的实验室。我们为客户开发部件,甚至整个全自动系统解决方案。与客户一边沟通一边进行开发是最有效最成功的方法。AIXUV 有限公司的EUV 灯电极寿命超过1000 小时并且适用于多种用途。我们的客户用EUV 灯开发出了用来检测EUV 光源特性的量具,并将EUV 灯应用于EUV 显微镜。此外,我们根据客户的需要开发了以EUV 灯为基础的工具,用于检测EUV 的曝光性和EUV 反射计的特性。
AIXUV GmbH (pronounced: aex-u-v) is a supplier of sources, components and systems using
Extreme Ultraviolet radiation. AIXUV?s core product is the compact gas discharge based
EUV-lamp which is used for the development of components for EUV lithography and for
new analytical approaches.
Extreme Ultraviolet radiation (XUV) is the spectral range between X-rays and vacuum
ultraviolet. The spectral range is defined by the fact that the photoeffect of inner-shell
electrons is the dominating interaction process with matter. XUV includes spectral ranges
known as soft X-rays (used for investigations of living cells) and EUV (of interest for future
chip lithography). Extreme Ultraviolet radiation offers simultaneously the potential of
lateral resolution down to 10 nanometers and the highest cross sections for the interaction of
radiation with matter. This makes XUV of special interest for future chip production and for
Our EUV-lamps are designed to supplement storage ring beamlines for enabling applications
in the individual R&D lab. Our team is developing customer specific solutions for components
up to fully automatic complex system solutions. Step-by-step communicated development with
our customers has proofed to be the most efficient and sucessful approach. AIXUV?s EUVlamps
reach electrode lifetimes beyond 1000 hours and are routinely tailored for a variety of
applications. EUV-lamps are used by our customers for the development of metrological tools
for characterizing EUV-sources and in EUV-microscopes. Tools based on our EUV-lamps
have been developed customer specific and are used for investigations of EUV-resist and
characterizing EUV-maskblanks.
