英国Fianium公司由著名的物理学家Anatoly Grudinin创办,产品有超快飞秒光纤激光器和被动锁模宽光谱(光谱范围:450-2500nm)光纤激光器等,广泛应用于生物、材料、医学研究等领域。
Fianium is a fiber laser company focused on ultra-fast, high power laser systems. The Company was established in 2003 with the specific goal to challenge the laser market by providing compact, efficient and maintenance-free alternatives to the incumbent gas and solid state lasers.
Our fiber laser product portfolio is based on Master Oscillator, Power Amplifier building blocks to produce mode-locked laser sources producing picosecond or femtosecond optical pulses. High average power (>20W) and high energy (μJ) systems are available at MHz to single-shot repetition rates and spectral operation from 240nm to 2500nm.