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Farmcomp Farmcomp

芬兰芬牧农牧电子仪器公司(Farmcomp agroelectronics) 
芬兰芬牧农牧电子仪器公司(Farmcomp agroelectronics)拥有65年的历史,其粮食和饲草水分检测仪器和电围栏设备在欧洲乃致全世界都有很好的声誉,畅销世界各地。其主要仪器有:Wile55手持粮食水分测定仪 、Wile65汉显手持粮食水分测定仪、Wile35手持指针式粮食水分测定仪、Wile25手持饲草水份测定仪;粮食容重测量器,以交流电源、蓄电池及太阳能供电等十多个型号的OLLI型电围栏电脉冲发生器及附属设备。 产品进入中国市场多年来,深得用户的好评。
We provide high quality agroelectronics products that offer the best value for the money for the users. Our main products are the world leading portable Wile moisture meters and Olli electric fencing products. The main user groups of our products are agriculture and animal keeping.

We concentrate on development, production and marketing of our products that are sold world wide by national importers and resellers.

We are a part of the international Worens Group who is a globally acting supplier of agroelectronics and vehicle accessories.

Our modern facilities are located in Tuusula, Finland, just a few minutes away from the Helsinki Airport.

Olli fencers have been produced for over 60 years and Wile has been a world leader in moisture testing since its introduction in the mid 1960´s. We are proud of our tradition and through continuous development we strive to offer competitive products for the users.

