德国AIRSENSE Analytics
AIRSENSE Analytics是一个追求创新、质量的公司,主要开发快速、准确的检测设备。AIRSENSE为客户提供各种各样的仪器用于检测气体化合物,如GDA2系统。根据用户的需求提供仪器和应用服务。开发便携式、耐用的仪器用于快速分析是AIRSENSE的强项。
全球唯一一台兼具四种传感器的气体检测仪,集成了包括IMS、PID、MOS、EC等传感器,是最先进的功能最全的快速气体分析仪。避免了单一检测器的局限性,检测范围和准确性大大加强。 可直接检测出氨、无机酸气体、苯、碳酰氯(光气)、氯乙烯和氯苯等。
We at AIRSENSE are an innovative, quality-driven company making it our business to develop and use fast and accurate measuring equipment.
We offer a wide range of instruments for the detection of gaseous compounds, such as our gas sensor array systems, electronic noses and trap & thermal desorption systems.
We provide you with equipment and applications tailored to your needs. Portable, sturdy instruments supplying quick results are our strength.
Our laboratory facilities provide the means for application development and further analysis of the measurements obtained online.