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Evogen Evogen

英国 Evogen   
英国Evogen公司Evocycler 荧光定量PCR,是超快速梯度定性、定量PCR 的完美结合,30 min内可提供30个循环的结果,更实用的PCR仪。
英国的Evogen公司最近宣布推出Evocycler™热循环系统,它将运行PCR的快速扩增功能和最后的数据分析结合在一个平台中。Evogen的市场研究表明许多分子生物学家利用传统的实时PCR仪进行扩增时并不一定是希望将产物量化。Evocycler™系统采取了一个折中的办法:将快许热循环和结合分析结合起来,一步到位。每个实验都会产生一个模拟图片——Gel Photo™,这个图片类似我们平时的电泳图。在每次反应完成后,仪器将进行融解曲线(melt curve)分析,并且以模拟凝胶形式快速输出一个有或无结果。

Our expertise lies in sound knowledge of thermal cycling principles and a desire to provide new approaches to instrumentation design. The result, a revolutionary system:

Evocycler? - an innovative instrument that enables ultra-rapid amplification together with product detection within a single platform. Designed for both clinical and research applications, Evocycler?offers sensitive detection of amplification within 30 minutes. The software of this instrument is truly revolutionary; it has the power to deskill the experimental process by automating many of the key tasks, from selection of the most appropriate primers and the most appropriate thermal cycling conditions through to auto-calling of results. The entire process of experimental design is collated using XML into a time-stamped structure for GLP.

Careful consideration of the needs of molecular biologists and an innovative approach to system design means that this instrument can be offered a much lower cost than our competitors. Indeed the cost is comparable to that of a standard thermal cycler, gel rig and power supply, which this instrument now replaces.

