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自然科学基金委 自然科学基金委

国家自然科学基金委员会 自然科学基金委NSFC National Natural Science Foundation of China 




自然科学基金坚持支持基础研究,逐渐形成和发展了由研究项目、人才项目和环境条件项目三大系列组成的资助格局。建立了面上、重点、重大项目、重大研究计划、联合资助基金、实质性国际合作研究等多层次相互配合衔接的资助项目系列;通过实施科技人才战略,架构了以国家基础科学人才培养基金、青年科学基金、地区科学基金、国家杰出青年科学基金、创新研究群体科学基金等较为完整的人才培养资助体系;完善了以科学仪器基础研究、国际合作交流项目、科普项目等专项构成的环境条件项目体系。随着国家财政对基础研究的投入不断增长,自然科学基金从1986年的8000万元起步已增长到2007年的43.3 亿元,较大地改善了基础研究的资助环境,项目资助强度稳步提高。同时,科学基金工作紧紧围绕实施源头创新战略、科技人才战略、创新环境战略和卓越管理战略,推出了一系列新的举措,在完善和发展科学基金制的实践中又取得了新的成绩。


二十多年来,自然科学基金在推动我国自然科学基础研究的发展,促进基础学科建设,发现、培养优秀科技人才等方面取得了巨大成绩; 为提升基础研究创新能力进行了有益的探索,积累了宝贵的经验,为我国基础研究的发展和整体水平的提高作出了积极贡献。


本世纪头20年是我国经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,也是我国科学技术发展的重要战略机遇期。自然科学基金委将在党的十七大精神指引下,高举中国特色社会主义的伟大旗帜,牢牢把握战略机遇期,树立和落实科学发展观,进一步贯彻落实《国家自然科学基金条例》,弘扬科学基金工作优良传统; 按照“尊重科学,发扬民主,提倡竞争,促进合作,激励创新,引领未来”的新时期工作方针,继续深入实施科教兴国、人才强国和可持续发展三大战略,发扬求真务实的精神,坚持以创新能力建设为主线,以培养和造就大批创新人才为核心,以创新环境建设为重点,以机制和体制创新为保障,不断完善和发展科学基金制,努力提高科学基金管理工作水平,为迅速提高我国的自主创新能力,推进创新型国家建设,实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标做出应有的贡献。

In the early 1980's, the State Council consented the suggestion by 89 Members of the ChineseAcademy of Sciences on the establishment of a national natural science fund for further promoting the reform of the science and technology system and the appropriation for science and technology in China. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) was established under theratification of the State Council on February 14, 1986.

Since the establishment of NSFC, an advanced science funding system including the evaluation andfunding mechanisms has been comprehensively introduced and implemented. The administrativesystem has been well developed and improved for the decision-making of the funding policy, theimplementation of funding programs and the supervision of funding operation. The managementsystem of project implementation and a complete set of regulations have been formulated on thebasis of peer review and performance evaluation.

NSFC has gradually established its funding system focusing on the three categories of programsof research promotion, talent fostering and infrastructure construction for basic research. Thecategory of research promotion has been developed with a comprehensive funding scope ranging fromthe General Program, Key Program, Major Program, Major Research Plan, Joint Funds to InternationalJoint Research Program. The category of talent fostering has been provided with the integrativefunding for the Fund for Talent Training in Basic Science, Young Scientists Fund, Regional ScienceFund, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and Creative Research Groups. Thecategory of infrastructure construction has been improved with the Special Funds for Basic ResearchInstruments, International Cooperation and Exchange, Public Understanding of Science, etc.

Along with the increasing investment to basic research by the government, the budget for theNational Natural Science Fund has been increased from 80 million RMB in 1986 to 10.4 billionRMB in 2010 which has significantly improved the funding environment for basic research andthe funding for individual projects has been gradually raised.

