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ET Enterprises
ET Enterprises ET Enterprises

英国ET Enterprises
英国ET Enterprises公司——光电倍增管专业生产商
英国ET Enterprises公司由著名的EMI公司光电倍增管事业部组建而成,是世界上最早研制、生产光电倍增管的厂家,已经拥有70多年的历史。针对各种光信号检测,尤其是微弱光信号,ET公司为您提供高性能、低噪声、高稳定性的光电倍增管产品。

ET Enterprises Limited started in May 2007 and took over the photomultiplier tubes and accessories business of Electron Tubes Limited and will continue to manufacture, supply and develop the Electron Tubes brand product range. ET Enterprises recently moved to a new location in Uxbridge, which is about 30km west of London.

A subsidary of Ludlum Measurements Inc., ET Enterprises Limited will benefit from the additional production facilities of ADIT, a US based producer of photomultipliers. Similarly, ADIT, which specialises in photomultipliers for scintillation applications, will have access to ET Enterprises' development resources and experience in many different photomultiplier applications worldwide.
