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美国ESC Environmental Sensors Company   
美国ESC 董事长Lawrence D. Locker博士自1976年起就开始对美国职业安全法律所管制的有毒蒸气的测量方法进行研究,并建立了经美国工业卫生协会(AIHA)认可的工业卫生测试实验室,是这一领域的著名专家。ESC(环境传感器公司)开发生产的系列室内空气质量检测仪,符合美国OSHA和NIOSH的要求,性价比高且简单易用,在美国和欧洲拥有众多的用户,近年在中国市场的销量也迅速增长。
Environmental Sensors offers a complete line of analytical instruments for chemical vapor detection and monitoring. Our instruments are designed to monitor indoor air quality where varying amounts of the targeted gas are expected to be present.

These instruments are often used for personal or area monitoring to meet OSHA or NIOSH regulations. All of these meters meet or exceed OSHA's accuracy requirements.

Our chemical vapor meters are simple and easy to use. With the touch of a button, a user can view a real time, digital measurement of a particualar chemical vapor in Parts Per Million.
