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新和成 新和成

浙江新和成股份有限公司地处浙江省新昌县,创建于1999年,现有总资产71亿元,净资产56亿元,已在新昌、上虞、山东等地建立了四个现代化生产基地,是一家专业生产原料药、药品、食品添加剂、饲料添加剂、香精香料的国家级重点高新技术企业。 2004年,公司成为国内中小企业板第一股在深交所成功上市。2011年实现销售收入超38亿元,利润总额超13亿元,上交税金5.3亿元,再次列绍兴市纳税第一位。2012年上半年实现销售收入18.75亿元,净利润5.3亿元。


公司拥有国家级企业技术中心,国家级博士后科研工作站,成功开发国家重点新产品13个、实施国家火炬计划项目12项,承担国家科技攻关引导项目1项,国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目2项,取得授权专利51项。主导产品维生素E、维生素A及乙氧甲叉的产销量和出口量均居全国第一位,公司已成为世界四大维生素生产企业之一,全国大型的维生素类饲料添加剂企业。 "新和成NHU"牌商标被评为中国驰名商标,NHU牌饲料级维生素为中国名牌产品。2010年,脂溶性维生素及类胡萝卜素的绿色合成新工艺及产业化获得国家科技发明二等奖。



Established in 1999 and headquartered in Xinchang Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang NHU Co.,Ltd specializes in the production of bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, medications, health products, food additives, feed additives and flavors and aromas and it has modern production bases in Xinchang, Meizhu, Shangyu, Shandong. In 2004, NHU was listed as the first enterprise in Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises Board in Shenzhen with the stock code of 002001.

NHU has a state-level technology center, a National Postdoctoral Research &Development Center, and has developed 13 state-level new products,12 National Torch Plan Projects, 1 National Key Technology Research&Development Program, 2 National Science and Technology Support Programs, 2 National High Technology Research&Development Program of China(863 Program) and obtained 54 patent licenses. NHU is Chinese Famous Trademark, and Vitamin feed branded NHU is Chinese Famous Product. In 2011, the new green synthesis process and industrialization of soluble Vitamins and carotenoid achieved the second prize of the National Science and Technology Invention Award.

NHU will adhere to the professional way, focus in the field of fine chemicals, strengthen the major, strive for the aim of “Innovating Fine Chemical Technology, Improving the Quality of Human Life”, and make NHU an international famous multinational fine chemical enterprise.

