先健在全球先心病封堵器市场占有领先地位,是全球第二大先心病封堵器供应商,是金砖四国最大的先心病封堵器供应商。此外,先健还拥有多元化的微创介入心脑血管及周围血管医疗器械的自主品牌专利产品。作为国家高新技术企业以及国家级博士后科研工作站,先健拥有经验丰富的研发团队,与全球知名医学顾问、知名大学和医院建立了长期、紧密的合作关系,承担了十多项政府科研项目,其中包括1项973计划项目、2项863计划项目和2项国家科技攻关项目。目前,先健已获得30多项国内外专利授权,并被授予"深圳市知识产权优势企业"、"深圳市成长型中小企业500强"、"第二届深圳进出口诚信AAA企业" 等荣誉,主要产品分别获得广东省科技进步一等奖和三等奖,以及深圳市科技进步奖等荣誉。
Lifetech is a leading developer, manufacturer and vendor of advanced minimally invasive medical devices for cardiovascular and peripheral vascular diseases and disorders.
Lifetech was founded in 1999 and is now the second largest provider of congenital heart defect occluders in the world, the largest provider to BRIC countries and the leading developer and manufacturer of minimally invasive medical devices in China. In 2011, Lifetech was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Lifetech has a broad portfolio of proprietary, minimally invasive cardiovascular and peripheral medical devices.
Lifetech is an accredited high-tech enterprise and a National Post-doctoral Research Workstation in China. As such, Lifetech has developed an experienced research and development team which works closely with reputable scientific advisers and experts as well as world-class institutions and universities. A big component of our success is the more than 12 government-sponsored research and development projects that we have been or are currently involved in. These include one research project with the China National Basic Research Program, two research projects with the China National High-Tech Research and Development Program, and two research projects co-sponsored by the Guangdong province and the Ministry of Education of the PRC.
Lifetech Scientific Corporation is located in Shenzhen and has over 10 subsidiaries, branches and sales offices in Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and India. A distribution network of 150 international distributors has also been established for all products.