美国硅谷X-Scan imaging
美国硅谷X-Scan imaging 公司是专注于X射线线阵探测器和芯片的提供商,他们的线阵X-ray芯片和探测器在X射线的安检,食品检测,无损探伤,轮胎检测等领域有着广泛的应用。出色的电子半导体设计和工艺能力使产品的灵敏度和动态范围性能优秀,已成为欧美多家著名X射线图像设备厂家的供应商。
X-ray detectors for quality control, airport security, cargo screening and non-destructive testing (NDT).
X-Scan Imaging Corporation headquartered in San Jose, California is a full service designer and leading domestic manufacturer of high-performance, buttable, linear photodiode arrays and camera systems using proprietary CMOS semiconductor technology. Designed for both visible and radiation imaging applications, our unique device structure and shielding design offers users reliable high-speed imaging and extended operating lifetime in a broad range of laboratory and on-line production and inspection environments. Typical applications include printed circuit board inspection, quality control, non-destructive testing (NDT), food/pharmaceutical inspection and security/cargo screening.