美国Wager Company
美国WAGER公司成立于1933年,至今已有75年历史,是烟度计研发制造领域的国际知名厂家,典型用户有McDonald’s、Sara Lee、FedEx、 WalMart、Nike、Sony、Airbus、Continental Airlines、Toyota、Daimler Chrysler、Volkswagen等.产品极具竞争优势,Wager烟度计产品线包括:全流式、分流式以及在线式烟度测量系统,适用于汽车、船舶、火车排放烟度监测,产品达到或超过所有美国法规SAEJ1667中的所有要求。
Founded in 1933 by inventor Robert Wager Sr. we span 74 years of experience and service to our customers. Our long history surpasses many other well know companies such as McDonald’s, Sara Lee, FedEx, WalMart, Nike, Sony, Airbus, Continental Airlines, Toyota, Daimler Chrysler, and Volkswagen.
We are the original patent holder of the inverted vent check valve, and offer a full range of rugged vent valves for marine application. Our deck line includes a large variety of deck drains and sounding tubes for both the workboat industry and the yachting industry.
Our complete line of smoke opacity meters include full flow, partial flow and in-line systems, as well as emissions monitoring for large ships and locomotives. All meet or exceed every specification requirement set in the United States.
Wager Company Headquarters is located in Rural Hall, North Carolina. It has distributors that span the globe including Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Valley Stream, New York, Mount Laurel, New Jersey, Luling, Louisiana, Jacksonville, Florida, Porterville, California, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, Yumbo, Columbia, Islalamabad, Pakistan, Cairo, Egypt, two locations in Singapore, and our center for export, Wager Europe in The Netherlands.