美国Air Instruments & Measurements
美国AIM公司成立于1988年,位于美国洛杉矶。AIM分析仪使用的技术极大地提高了响应时间、准确率和可靠性。此技术同样可适用于高腐蚀性气体或有毒气体、锅炉烟气排放和环境空气质量的测量。AIM 公司有很强的持续研发能力及对新产品和新应用的开发,便于对现有用户提供支持。
美国AIM公司擅长开发、安装、运行和测试气体检测仪器。包括单组分和多组分UV(紫外) ,VIS(可见光), IR(红外)吸收气体分析仪,气体过滤相关分析仪,大气透射仪,单路和多路光学系统,傅立叶红外分析仪,光纤耦合系统,开放式环境气体监测仪 美国AIM公司在线烟道气体分析仪的设计采用单光束,双波长,双光路穿过气流这种先进的工艺。该公司制造了一些目前世界上最先进的空气污染监测设备,这些设备结合了机械和光学的先进工艺,具有30多年的现场应用经验以及独特的软件和硬件设计,目前在全世界已安装了大约4000多套。 现在,他们将先进INSITU在线气体分析仪带到中国.IN-SITU意味着气相色谱分析直接在烟道上进行,无须采样系统,是真正意义上的在线气体分析仪.
Air Instruments & Measurements, LLC is a California Corporation founded in Aug 1988. AIM designs, develops and manufactures proprietary World-Class gas analyzers and complete systems for environmental monitoring [ambient air, vehicle exhaust and stack gas emissions]. With installations in over 35 countries.
AIM applies innovative technology for the development and manufacturing of situ, remote and extractive spectroscopic - based gas analyzers; and assembles and support complete systems. This equipment can be applied to a broad range of applications including environmental compliance monitoring, process control, combustion optimization, open-path ambient air or vehicle exhaust monitoring, toxic gas monitoring and personal health analysis. All of AIM's instruments have been refined through 30+ years of testing, practical field experience, state-of the-design, and over 4000 installations worldwide. We are located in the Los Angeles area, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. After all, we are just an email away.