美国Vibrant Technology
美国Vibrant Technology 的ME’copeVES 声学和振动分析软件对测试获得的数据进行后处理分析,软件可以显示被测物体的实际工作形态(ODS),模型形态,声学分布形态,工程数据的形态等。还可以显示时域和频域的3D动画,你可以操控物体在空间旋转一观察物体各个位置的形态。
Founded in 1991, Vibrant Technology is a leader in developing tools for post processing vibration and acoustic test data. Vibrant Technology software is used by structural testing and machinery maintenance professionals in a wide variety of industries.
ME'scope is designed to aid engineers and technicians working on vibration and acoustics troubleshooting, new product research and development, predictive maintenance, manufacturing quality control, and monitoring of critical machines and structures. ME'scopeVES is available worldwide through a network of sales representatives and hardware manufacturers.