加拿大Vasogen Inc
Vasogen Inc. (多伦多,Toronto) 是以心血管疾病或神经疾病所引发的慢性发炎作为治疗标靶,来进行新药物科技研发的公司,宣布Christopher J. Waddick被擢升为营运长,Paul J. Van Damme担任财务部门副总裁及财务长,Jacqueline H.R. Le Saux担任公司及法律业务部门副总裁
We are a biotechnology company that is focused on the research and commercial development of therapies designed to target the destructive inflammatory processes associated with the development and progression of cardiovascular and neuro-inflammatory disorders. Our most advanced product, the Celacade™ System, is designed to activate the immune response to apoptosis – an important physiological process that regulates inflammation. We are also developing a new class of drugs for the treatment of certain neuro-inflammatory disorders. Our two initial product candidates, VP015 and VP025, are biological ligands designed to exploit specific physiological anti-inflammatory responses of the immune system. The effects of these drugs have been shown to cross the blood-brain barrier and improve outcomes in a broad range of preclinical models, demonstrating their disease-modifying potential.