1989年Tetracam引入世界上第一台商业化的数字相机,至此以后先后商业化设计过100个不同型号的数字相机,累计产量超过100万台。Tetracam的数字相机满足了许多不同领域的需求,包括科研,航拍,安全等, 并且特别设计了低成本的农业遥感用的数字多光谱相机。
农业研究和遥感用的多光谱相机,主要有ADC,MiniMCA 两个系列的型号。
The introduction of the world's first commercial digital still camera (Dycam Model 1, 1989) marked the beginning of a new era in photography. Tetracam principals and engineers designed and manufactured that landmark camera and have since been continuously involved in the design and commercialization of more than 100 different digital camera models with cumulative production approaching one million units. Tetracam's standard and custom built camera platforms have been used to satisfy many different electronic imaging requirements including scientific, airborne, security, observation, mobile, and wireless solutions.
We are particularly proud to have invented and commercialized the first low cost multi-spectral digital cameras for agricultural remote sensing. We continue to develop that technology while helping to improve yields and manage resources for increasingly precious farmlands worldwide. The most recent additions to our technology portfolio include 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz transceivers for use in wireless cameras, base stations, airborne telemetry systems and the 3DVu2Go, a 3D viewer for mobile applications.
Our development and short run production facilities in Chatsworth, CA and Gainesville, FL are complimented by high volume low cost manufacturing operations in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. With design and manufacturing expertise in imaging hardware, software, optics, and related systems, we deliver multiple levels of value to our OEM and design services customers. Internal product development and sales through our scientific imaging and specialty products business provides us with continuing opportunities to adopt new technologies and service vertical or emerging electronic imaging markets.