泰德制药 Tide Pharmaceuticals
北京泰德制药股份有限公司是中外合资的靶向药物生产企业,位于北京经济技术开发区, 是中国第一家能够研发、生产并已有系列靶向药物上市的高科技制药企业。2006年,公司被国家科技部认定为《国家重点高新技术企业》;2004年,公司被北京市政府授予《北京市外商投资先进技术企业》,2008年,公司注射液生产线在国内率先取得了日本厚生劳动省颁发的《医药品外国制造者认定证书》公司加工出口的脂微球注射液在日本应用于临床治疗的数量已近300万支,是第一种在日本应用于临床治疗的国产注射液。2009年,在中国制药企业利税100强中,排名第30位,化学药品企业排名第22位,主导产品“凯时”连续六年被世界最权威的医药行业专业咨询公司艾美仕(IMS)评为中国内地十大畅销药品前4名,重点产品“凯纷”在中国非甾体类镇痛药处方药中排名第一。2009年被福布斯中文版评为中国最具潜力200强企业中的第90名。
由于靶向药物研发和生产技术的高难度和复杂性,中国靶向药物市场一直处于空白状态。1998年,公司第一个独家靶向药物,凯时-前列地尔注射液被国家批准上市后,由于其独特的疗效,立即受到患者和临床医师的广泛欢迎,并被列入国家8个学科的诊疗指南及教科书 ,已覆盖全国巨绝大多数三甲医院,2009年销售额达7.8亿余元;2004年,公司第二个独家靶向镇痛药物,凯纷-氟比洛芬酯注射液上市,现已被麻醉和镇痛领域的医师广泛使用,并被列入《中国成人术后疼痛处理专家共识》及《疼痛药物治疗学》,2009年销售额达1.9亿余元。2008年,贝前列素钠片被国家批准上市,弥补了凯时在临床上因静脉注射而不便于使用的不足。2010年,首个拥有自主知识产权的氟比洛芬巴布膏上市,由于其拥有透皮强、起效快、镇痛效果明显、不粘毛、无贴痕、无异味、过敏少等优点,一上市就获得了镇痛专家的高度认可。
Beijing Tide Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (Tide) is dedicated to developing, manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical drugs. The company is proud to be among China's State Key Hi-tech Enterprises as the largest developer and manufacturer of specialty drugs. In 2009, Tide ranked among the Top 30 most profitable Chinese pharmaceutical companies, and was ranked first within the Beijing Municipality. Forbes China Magazine has rated Tide as the 90th among China's Top 200 companies with highest growth potential. In addition, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare granted Tide the GMP certificate for sterile injections in 2008, bestowing Tide the honour of being the first Chinese pharmaceutical company to export injections to the Japanese market.
The company's lead product Kaishi® (Alprostadil Injection), a lipid microsphere injection for targeted drug delivery, has been rated by IMS as one of the top 10 best-selling drugs in the Chinese mainland for six consecutive years, while the analgesic product Kaifen® (Flurbiprofen Axetil Injection), another targeted lipid microsphere drug, took the crown among all non-steroidal analgesics injectable drugs. Tide takes pride in its ability to produce a range of dosage forms including injections, tablets, capsules, granules, and patches, among others.