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The Scientist
The Scientist The Scientist

美国《科学家》(The Scientist)杂志
  The Scientist杂志是由科学信息研究所(ISI,现为汤姆森路透科技集团)的创始人Eugene Garfield于1986年创办的一份双周刊报纸。其总部最初位于美国华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,随后迁往费城——这里也是ISI的所在地,后又转变为一本每月出版的杂志,同时伴有每日更新的在线新闻。之后这一杂志被科学导航集团(Science Navigation Group)收购,由科学出版企业家Vitek Tracz担任CEO。这一杂志的主要收入来源是广告费,

科学家是生命科学家新闻日报 它提供相关和及时的信息和分析研究的科学家,以协助决策影响他们的工作生活。


The Scientist is The News Journal for the Life Scientist

It provides research scientists with relevant and timely information and analysis to assist them in making decisions that affect their working lives.

The Scientist provides an open forum for examination and discussion of issues in research, technology, employment, funding, policy and other subjects important to the life scientist.
