英国ENDECOTTS为全球领先的实验室优质测试过滤筛网制造商,且是唯一能满足精确的BS 410、ISO3310/1&2、ASTM 11标准的测试过滤筛网制造商。经鉴定,符合英国Kitemark标准。所有的过滤筛网根据英式和国际规范制造,并具备统一的标准证书。每个过滤筛网都各有序列号,保证良好的跟踪服务。ENDECOTTS过滤筛网选用质量上乘的材料制造,其直径有如下型号:38,100,150,200,250,300,315,350,400和450mm,以及3,88,12和18英寸。我们还提供金属网丝编织的直径更大的过滤筛网,结构材料选用铜或不锈钢制成,以及带钢板的过滤筛网
Endecotts 线编网筛
按照BS EN ISO 3002(QAMS)的标准制造而成
Endecotts test sieves are of the highest quality and are designed for accurate and efficient particle size analysis.
Endecotts are the world's leading manufacturer of quality laboratory test sieves, sieve shakers, filters and related laboratory equipment. Over 70 years manufacturing experience give Endecotts an enviable reputation for quality and accuracy.
Our network of stockists and distributors worldwide ensures direct delivery and prompt service.
Endecotts' experienced staff are always available to offer technical support, customer service and after sales service.
Our policy is to constantly review and identify the requirements of our customers. We strive to develop and introduce new products and therefore welcome all enquiries and suggestions that will assist in enhancing our range and existing services.