Topas GmbH 位于德国的Dresden。我们是一家专注于喷雾技术的小型专业公司。我们的产品具有创新性、定位清晰以及根据客户需求而量身定制的特点。先进的技术、设计和加上高素质的员工使 Topas 的产品拥有很高的标准和质量保障。这可以从我们已经通过ISO 9001质量体系的认证得到证明。
- 喷雾器(单-多孔吹雾,固体和流体颗粒)
- 喷雾和流体颗粒测量仪器
- 微孔尺寸测量仪器
- 滤器分析系统
- 沉淀物计量
Topas还提供针对特殊需求的解决方案,比如过滤介质的测试架(台)以及全套的过滤器。通过与客户一起不断发展和完善满足客户需求的、量身订做的解决方案,Topas 能够提供完整的服务,从设计、安装到现场服务。拥有长长的客户名单就是我们成功的标志。
Topas is a manufacturer of instruments and test stands for the particle and aerosol technology. Our capability comprises the development of innovative technical solutions, their implementation into standard product series and the in-house production meeting highest quality standards according to ISO 9001. Our company philosophy enables a fast response to changes on the current market and responding to customer requests. Through active and competent distribution on the domestic market as well as abroad with selected partners we are able to recognise new trends and pick up new ideas. These lead to innovations which are often patented. Our know-how is a direct result from our own research and the close co-operation with universities and research institutes. This expertise is reflected in our products.
The feedback from our own customers and the market lead to a continuous extension of our product line and improvement of existing solutions and instruments.