Synthon 公司于1991 年创办于荷兰,集科研、开发和生产于一体。
两年后该公司推出了第一个仿制药品多巴酚丁胺,2003 年推出辛伐他汀获热销。该公司在巴塞罗纳和圣洛伦索拥有工厂,为欧洲市场生产40余种药品。活性成分由捷克共和国和阿根廷生产,剂型则在西班牙配制。这些药品在西班牙或美国包装,整个流程都在Synthon 公司的质量控制下。
2004年Synthon 公司在美国推出了甲磺酸帕罗西汀制剂Pexeva®,用于治疗抑郁症。使用盐酸帕罗西汀Paxil®的GlaxoSmithKline 公司对此提出了诉讼,已于12 月份裁定。Synthon 公司还获得批准销售抗抑郁药fluvoxamine(LuvoxTM),但尚未上市。
2007 年,该公司宣布完全放弃在美国生产品牌药的计划,而将重点放在现有的仿制药业务上。
Synthon, with headquarters in Nijmegen, the Netherlands is an international pharmaceutical company and a leader in the field of generic medicines. Synthon has been working in biotechnology since 2007 and is developing rapidly into a specialty pharmaceutical company, focusing on the therapeutic areas of auto-immune diseases – particularly multiple sclerosis - and oncology. Our products are currently approved by regulatory agencies in over 80 countries worldwide and marketed through strategic partnerships and – in dedicated areas – through direct sales. Synthon employs about 1,400 staff worldwide, and in 2011 it recorded a turnover of EUR 260 million.