美中医药开发协会 SAPA Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association
美中医药开发协会(SAPA)是一个非赢利,专业社团组织。创立十几年来,己发展成为目前北美最为活跃的华人专业组织之一,并在美国和中国建立起了良好的声誉和受到广泛的尊敬。美中药协在美国的35个州以及中国大陆,台湾,香港和日本等地共拥有3000会员,设有新泽西-大纽约地区(总部),新英格兰(波士顿),美西(旧金山),和大费城地区(费城)分会。为促进中国医药产业的发展, 加强中美之间在生物/医药领域的交流与合作, 美中药协总部及各个分会每年都举行与医药和生物技术有关的年会及各种专题讨论会和社会活动,发行自己的会刊,接待中国多方机构和生物/医药访美代表团,并与中国多方面共同组办国际生物技术和医药研讨会,对中国的医药产业的发展起到了很大的推动作用。
Founded in 1993, the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association (SAPA) grew rapidly and has become one of the most active and well-recognized Chinese-heritage enduring professional organizations in the United States. SAPA is an independent, nonprofit and professional organization with over 4,000 members in USA, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. Its headquarters is based in the tri-state area (NY-NJ-CT) with three regional chapters in New England, Greater Philadelphia and California bay area, and one chapter in Shanghai, China.
SAPA is united by a commitment to promoting pharmaceutical science and technology and its essential roles in fostering member's career development. In service to science, SAPA facilitates communication among scientists, policy makers, government officers, educators, and journalists from both the United States and China through its interdisciplinary conferences, symposia, section meetings, seminars, workshops and diverse publications. In service to association, SAPA Programs draw upon the foremost experts and the most current information about advances in drug discovery and development to inform analysis and discussion of public health issues, to promote scientific exchanges and networking opportunities.