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桑迪亚 桑迪亚

桑迪亚Sundia MediTech
桑迪亚医药技术 (上海)有限责任公司,是由王晓川博士领衔的一批来自全球制药行业的资深科研和管理精英于2004年创立的外包服务 (CRO) 公司,以上海为基地向全球制药企业和生化公司提供优秀、高效的“一站式”新药研发和生产服务。


桑迪亚的新药研发外包服务几乎涵盖了新药研发的大部分关键环节,具体包括:药物分子设计,筛选,优化,合成,化学工艺研究与放大、化学分析测试、药物制剂研究、分子诊断服务、药理、药效、药代、安全性评价服务和符合美国cGMP规范的原料药(High Potency API)和剂型的规模化生产等,集实验室研发和cGMP生产于一体。



2009年2月9日,张江集团和桑迪亚公司签约共同建设“张江新药孵化平台”,在国内首次采用 IP+CRO+VC(即知识产权、研发外包服务、风险投资相结合)的全新产业化模式直接孵化新药,这将打破国内新药研发领域长期偏重于重复硬件建设而不出成果的困局, 能使我国的新药研发快速进入到一个全新的阶段。

成立7年来,桑迪亚公司规模不断扩大,实验室面积从最初的500平方米发展到如今的15,000平方米,科研、生产设施一流。目前,公司共有科研人员约600人,博士硕士比例约 90%,其中海归高端人才比例约10% 。

Founded by a group of veterans from the US biopharmaceutical industry in 2004, Sundia MediTech Company Ltd. is now a leading Shanghai-based CRO company providing drug discovery and development services worldwide. In 2007, Sundia successfully merged with United PharmaTech and formed an alliance with HD Biosciences. With our technical expertise and excellent research facilities, we offer broad and integrated chemical synthesis (custom synthesis, library design and synthesis), medicinal chemistry (hit generation, lead optimization, and preclinical development), biological (early hit screening, assay development, in vitro and in vivo pharmacology, in vitro and in vivo DMPK), new technology platforms (molecular diagnostics and PBSDD and nanotechnology), and pharmaceutical development (process research and development, API manufacture, pre-formulation and formulation, analytical and QA/QC, CMC and regulatory submission) services.

Since its founding in 2004, the company's CRO service business has been growing at an amazing rate. It was consecutively named as one of the top 50 most valuable companies for investment in China in 2007 and 2008. In 2008, with its 928% revenue growth, Sundia ranked #52 in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific list and #16 in the Fast 50 China list. Our expansion through partnerships has been driven by growing demand from our clients. In the past 5 years, Sundia has successfully established collaborations with over 85 client companies in North America, Europe, and Japan.


For Sundia, our professional leadership is an important asset. Our management team is made up of scientists with advanced degrees or training and who have extensive working/management experience in North America. Our team has rich experience in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, biology, business management, and law. Our research team comprises over 600 scientists, among which 90% have a Ph.D. or a MS; and 10% a BS.

