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Sirona Sirona

具有一百三十多年历史的西诺德牙科设备有限公司(前身:西门子牙科),是目前世界上最大、产品系列最全的牙科设备供应商。1997年独立于西门子,成立了西诺德牙科设备有限公司,总部设于德国奔茨海姆市,在全球17个国家设有分支机构和代表处。公司产品包括口腔综合治疗台、X线影像诊断系统、治疗器械和消毒设备以及CAD/CAM计算机全瓷修复体制作系统(简称CEREC)。产品行销全球100多个国家和地区。 西诺德牙科设备公司不断的技术创新、卓越的生产控制以及全球化的销售网络,成就了其全球牙科设备领域的领导地位。加之拥有全球最顶尖的2,300多名员工,西诺德为满足专业牙医现在和未来的各种需求提供最顶级的产品和服务。


2010 拥有Bluecam及数据开放技术的inEos Blue台式扫描仪投放市场
2009 CEREC AC,拥有Blucecam技术的CEREC取像设备投放市场
2009 西诺德新一代顶级口腔综合治疗台TENEO投放市场
2007 西诺德新一代数字化3D牙科X线影像系统GALILEOS投放市场
2006 西诺德牙科设备商贸(上海)有限公司成立
2006 西诺德收购美国Schick技术有限公司,并以股票名SIRO在美国纳斯达克上市
2005 ORTHOPHOS XG PLUS 新一代数字化曲面断层X线机投放市场
2001 推出C+系列口腔综合治疗台
1997 西门子牙科开始独立运作,开创西诺德(SIRONA)时代
1995 世界第一台数字化曲面断层X线机ORTHOPHOS Plus DS投放市场
1987 世界首台CAD/CAM,Cerec 数字椅旁制作全瓷嵌体修复体上市
1963 西门子在德国苯茨海姆建造现代化口腔设备生产基地
1925 加入西门子公司
1905 开始生产REKORD,世界上第一台牙科X线机
1892 制造世界首台牙科治疗台
1887 制造世界首台电动牙钻
1877 在德国爱尔兰根(Erlangen)成立牙科公司

Sirona is the dental technology leader and has served dealers and dentists worldwide for more than 130 years. Our leading global position rests on our commitment to technological innovation, manufacturing excellence and international sales expertise. This, combined with a highly skilled workforce, enables us to deliver and distribute products and services that give our customers the advantages necessary for today’s and tomorrow’s demands.


All Sirona products represent the cutting-edge of modern dental treatment, research and development. An example of this can be seen in our introduction of the inLab system, which instantly made Sirona the leader in CAD/CAM Systems in the laboratory market.

The company was founded in 1997 as a result of a private equity buyout of the former dental division of Siemens AG. In 1998, following the sale of its trading sector, Sirona was restructured to concentrate solely on manufacturing activities.

In June 2006, Schick Technologies, Inc., the US intraoral radiographic imaging specialist, was successfully taken over as part of a reverse merger. Since then, Sirona Dental Systems, Inc., has been listed on the NASDAQ, the US exchange for technology stocks, and has opened a new chapter in the history of the company. Sirona currently has a staff of around 2,298 employees.

Constantly investing in research and development ensures that we remain the industry leader in dental innovation and quality applications. Our unique expertise in integrated dental systems, dedication and insight is helping to shape the future of dental technology around the world.
