Synthes 是一家全球领先的医疗器械公司。我们开发、生产并销售用于人体骨骼及软组织的固定、修复及重建的内植物、器械和生物材料。目前销售的产品遍布全球,有雇员8450人。
我们与 AO 基金会的密切合作是我们成功的基石。 AO 是“国际内固定研究学会”的缩写,在外科领域,这样一个非赢利性的,以外科医生为主导的组织专门从事研究、开发、临床调查及教学等活动,被视作为治疗骨折和运动系统紊乱的领导者。 AO 基金会拥有 SYNTHES 为商标的所有产品许可证。作为许可证持有者,我们开发、生产并销售这些产品。而AO基金会下辖的技术委员会确保新产品在取得SYNTHES品牌时具有临床研究验证的有效性和高品质。由于这种对所有新器械,新内植物的严密临床验证,全球的外科医生都对我们的产品拥有绝对的信心,他们相信这些器械一定是经过严格的监测和评估地。
是我们的员工通过他们的不懈努力使SYNTHES 达到如此卓越的地位。无论是产品开发人员还是技师,销售人员还是物流人员,市场人员还是财务人员,所有的员工都充满工作热情,为患者的康复和生活质量的改善而努力。
2004年2月6日Synthes-Stratec 与 Mathys Medizinaltechnik AG 合并为一家全球性的骨科器材公司。4月22日 公司更名为Synthes, Inc.并于同年4月份通过购买美国Gelifex公司进入脊柱髓核置换市场。
2003年 Synthes-Stratec 收购 SPINE SOLUTIONS 公司(全球领先的人工椎间盘制造商),并将Medivision出售给Praxim SA,另外Mathys Medizinaltechnik AG 和 Synthes-Stratec 同意合并, 组成一家全球领先的骨科器材公司。
2002 在过去的5年中 Synthes-Stratec实现了100%的增长,净利润增长达到260%。在北美,拉丁美洲和欧洲员工达到3500人。
1999 Stratec Holding Ltd 与美国 Synthes 合并为 Synthes-Stratec, Inc. 并收购 Norian Corp-一家生产生物相容性骨替代产品的工厂。
1996 Stratec Medical 在瑞士股票市场上市 .
1995 Medivision Ltd.计算机辅助外科技术公司成立
1992 Stratec公司扩展其脊柱和颌面外科和电动工具业务,以完善其产品线
1991 Synthes 脊柱公司在美国为了更好的适应市场的需求,开始增加脊柱退变产品的生产。
1990 Stratec Holding Ltd 和 Stratec Medical成立。
1974 Synthes USA 成立并在美国和加拿大推广AO/ASIF 的理念。
Straumann 在世界范围内发展销售网络,几乎在所有重要市场均成立了子公司。
Fritz Straumann 和AO/ASIF(国际内固定研究学会)正式合作。Straumann 学院的技术专家证实内固定物在骨折外科治疗上具有极大价值。 Fritz Straumann 和AO/ASIF(国际内固定研究学会)的结合成为骨科创伤治疗领域的领导者。
Synthes is a leading global medical device company. Through its five product groups (Trauma, Spine, Cranio-Maxillofacial, Biomaterials and Power Tools) it develops, produces and markets instruments, implants and biomaterials for the surgical fixation, correction and regeneration of the human skeleton and its soft tissues.
We? operate in product markets with high growth, driven by the aging population and improvements in technology that allow treating more patients with better implants.?
Synthes is the world leader in traumatology, ranks among the top two companies for spinal devices and is in the leading position of the cranio-maxillofacial business. We are an innovative pioneer in the field of biomaterials such as resorbable implants and bone graft substitutes, and offer a wide range of power tools to be used on its own or in combination with our implants.
Synthes establishes the foundations for its excellent market position by continuously developing better solutions. Our goal is to provide the safest and most advanced implants, instruments and technologies that ensure reliable operating procedures, rapid recovery and a pain-free life after surgery. We guarantee high quality, constant innovation and total concentration on the needs of our customers.
Synthes and the AO Foundation cooperate in a close partnership. AO stands for “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese” (Association for the Study of Osteosynthesis). In the surgical community, this non-profit, surgeon-guided organization is seen as pioneer in terms of research, development, clinical investigation and education in the treatment of fractures and disorders of the locomotor system. Synthes develops, produces and markets products that have been reviewed and approved by the clinically independent "Technical Commission" of the AO Foundation. Because of this careful scrutiny of all new instruments and implants, surgeons throughout the world have great confidence in our products, knowing that such devices have been thoroughly tested and evaluated.
It is our staff who have brought Synthes to its prominent position through their daily achievements and high motivation. Whether a product developer, mechanic, sales representative, logistics expert, marketing specialist or accountant, all our staff have one thing in common: their enthusiasm for work that benefits health and improves patients’ quality of life.??