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先声药业 先声药业

先声药业成立于1995年3月28日,至今,15岁的先声已发展成为集生产、研发、销售为一体,拥有 7家通过GMP认证的现代化药品生产企业,2家全国性的药品营销企业、1家药物研究院,拥有员工近 4000 人的新型药业集团。


  2009年,先声药业实现销售收入18.50 亿元,上缴国家税收3. 41亿元,实现净利润 1.20亿元 。

  目前,先声药业拥有45种以上药品的强大产品组合,重点覆盖肿瘤、心脑血管、感染等疾病治疗领域。我们拥有“再林”,具有市场领先地位的阿莫西林品牌,享受单独定价政策的“中国驰名商标”;“必存”,首入中国市场的抗脑卒中药物,第一个作用机理明确的新型自由基清除剂;“恩度”,重组人血管内皮抑制素抗癌创新药,拥有中国和美国的专利,并获得第十届中国专利金奖以及2008年度国家技术发明奖二等奖;以及其他3个年销售额在7000万以上或过亿的品牌药:英太青、必奇、安奇;其中,英太青是又一个 “中国驰名商标”,2009年成为NBA中国推广合作伙伴。我们于2008年在国内首家上市的安信注射用比阿培南,为国内中、重度感染患者提供了新的治疗选择。2009年抗高血压药物欣他上市,先声大步迈进心血管治疗领域。同年,先声药业先后与上海赛金、江苏延申两家生物制药企业展开股权合作,进一步进军抗体和疫苗领域。先声更多具备强大市场竞争力的品牌产品正在酝酿中。

  先声药业在中国拥有广泛的分销网络和专业化的营销团队,近 2000 名销售人员和 近100家战略合作伙伴,其中80%拥有医学学位。在中国,先声拥有超过1500家的经销商。我们的产品营销到超过4000家的中国医院以及70000家药店。每年,由先声药业主办、承办、协办的各类学术会议上千场,制作的学术资料、论文汇编上百本,数以万计的医生因此更好的学习、交流、提高。

  先声药业于2004年成立先声药物研究院,有数个技术平台,可进行化学药品和生物药品的研究。目前已经申请或获得中国发明专利共89件,成功开发上市首家、独家品种10个。“一类新药再畅片剂”项目获得国家科技进步二等奖。2003年,经国家人事部批准,建立企业博士后科研工作站,先后有11位博士后进站。2006年1月,先声药业和清华大学建立“创新药物联合实验室”,同时和南京大学、中国药科大学、中国科学院上海药物研究所、中国科学院上海有机化学研究所、美国爱德程实验室、美国生物制药企业Epitomics公司、OSI等单位 正在就新药研发开展合作。2006年底,先声药物研究院面积超过5000平方米的现代化研发中心正式启用,2008年底,上海国际医学园研发基地开工建设。先声药业在南京、北京和上海的研发实验室布局已初见雏形。 2009年10月,拥有更大规模、更先进设施,总投资近3个亿的先声药物研究院二期工程正式破土动工。



When we founded Simcere on 28 March 1995, our vision was to establish a company that would in turn help create a healthier China. Since our founding, we have swiftly evolved from being a pure distributor of pharmaceutical products to become a leading manufacturer and supplier of drugs in the rapidly growing China pharmaceutical market. We now have six certified Good Manufacturing Practices ("GMP") manufacturing facilities, two nationwide sales and marketing subsidiaries, a research and development center and over 3,000 employees.

In recent years, we have continued to refine our strategy to focus on the development of first-to-market generic and innovative pharmaceuticals. We have introduced a first-to-market generic stroke management medication under the brand name Bicun, and an innovative anti-cancer medication under the brand name Endu. We currently manufacture and sell 39 principal pharmaceutical products and are the exclusive distributor of three additional pharmaceuticals that are manufactured by independent third parties but marketed under our brand. In addition, we have obtained approvals from the SFDA to manufacture and sell over 210 other products. In our research and development efforts, we concentrate on the treatment of diseases with high incidence and/or mortality rates and for which there is a clear demand for more effective pharmacotherapy. As of 31 March 2008, we had 12 product candidates in various stages of development, including treatments for cancer, cerebrovascular diseases, infections, rheumatoid arthritis, and nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

Our innovative anti-cancer medication Endu was granted an invention patent in China and was the first recombinant human endostatin injection approved for sale in China. Recombinant human endostatin is an engineered protein that inhibits the growth of blood vessels to a tumor, thereby starving and preventing the growth of cancer cells. Our generic anti-stroke medication Bicun was the first edaravone injection, a type of neuroprotective pharmaceutical compound, approved for sale in China. Our generic amoxicillin granule antibiotic, marketed under the brand name Zailin, was recognized as a "China Well-Known Trademark" in 2004 and our anti-inflammatory pain relievers for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, marketed under the brand name Yingtaiqing, was recognized as a "China Well-Known Trademark" in 2008. Both enjoy premium pricing as a result.

In September 2006, we acquired 80% of Shandong Simcere Medgenn Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for RMB 200 million, and launched our new patented anti-cancer drug, Endu (also known as "Endostar"). This was the first recombinant human endostatin successfully commercialized in the world and was one of the biggest Chinese pharmaceutical acquisitions targeting a single pharmaceutical product's intellectual property. The successful commercialization of Endu came about through the hard work and combined efforts of our R&D team, led by Dr. Yongzhang Luo, our independent clinical research team, headed by Dr. Yan Sun, and our professional sales and marketing team. Clinical research was conducted in 24 hospitals in China and an independent specialists committee audited the clinical research statistics and data. The results of our Phase III clinical studies on 493 Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer ("NSCLC") patients showed that the Endu-plus-chemotherapy approach provides an effective alternative for treating NSCLC.

Going forward, we want to become a leading Chinese pharmaceutical company by providing innovative medicines that will reshape the future of the pharmaceutical industry in China. About 5000m2 research and development center in Nanjing provides us with a solid platform to support research activities that include synthetic research, drug analysis and pharmacological and cytological research. Our post-doctorate research workstation is benefiting from the efforts of 10 post-doctoral researchers and was certified by the State Ministry of Human Resources. To supplement our in-house research and development capabilities, we plan to increase our collaboration with domestic and international pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and institutions along the lines of our Joint Laboratory for Drug Discovery together with Tsinghua University, which engages in the research and development of innovative pharmaceuticals. Simcere's commitment to research and development helps to ensure a robust pipeline of product candidates in various stages of development. With our deep knowledge about the Chinese pharmaceutical market, and increasing cooperation with domestic and international institutions, we are well positioned to provide quality products and services that will exceed our customers' expectations and help us meet the challenges of the new century.

Our employees are valuable business partners and internal customers, who share our beliefs and business vision. Simcere believes in helping every employee reach his/her maximum potential; we are devoted to investing our resources to ensure their success. A hunger for excellence is in the blood of every Simcere employee, and we all strive to create value for the company in a way which is consistent with our concerns for society at large.

