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日本SRL, Inc.      
1970.06(S45)创设于日本东京都,营业主体为临床检体检查,受托检验常态项目一千五百项,加上特殊检查超过四千项,每日检体数超过十四万支,年营业额为日币1100亿。 为全亚洲第一家通过美国CAP认定的检验中心。
2005年7月,领先的体外诊疗公司Fujirebio Inc.与日本一流的临床试验服务供应商SRL, Inc合并成立富吉瑞必欧。富吉瑞必欧Fujirebio的分销网络覆盖全球,为全世界的医生和患者提供诊断产品。

SRL, Inc. is the leading company in Japan that provides comprehensive laboratory testing services. Specifically, these services include the receipt of specimens from patients at hospitals, testing the specimens, and reporting the results and related research information back to the hospitals. These results are used in virtually every aspect of medical treatment and evaluation including the diagnosis of diseases, identification of physical conditions, choosing courses of treatment and monitoring the progress of treatments.

With its remarkable degree of advanced technological and research capabilities, SRL is currently able to offer more than 5,000 types of clinical laboratory tests, ranging from general testing to esoteric testing including gene-based tests. The SRL Group network consists of an Esoteric Testing Laboratory Complex, eight regional clinical laboratory testing companies, 140 in-hospital laboratories, and 160 branch offices, where specimens are collected. Through its nation wide network, SRL provides diagnostic testing and information services to clinics, large hospitals, medical product manufacturers, and research institutions. The SRL Group is also very active in the areas of medical services such as sterilizing medical instruments and hospital outsourcing services.
