丹麦Santaris Pharma
Santaris Pharma是一家丹麦的临床阶段的生物制药公司。公司成立于2003年,有着LNA技术的专利权LNA技术是第三代的反义核酸化学技术,用于开发新品种的RNA药物,也称RNA拮抗剂。Santaris Pharma已经开发了mRNA拮抗剂和microRNA拮抗剂,用于沉默与各种疾病如癌症、代谢紊乱、病毒感染相关的mRNA和microRNA。Santaris Pharma在2006年5月完成了第二阶段四千万欧元的融资,并在2007年12月第三阶段融资两千万欧元。Santaris Pharma与新泽西的Enzon制药公司有着全球合作,来开发和商业化一系列Santaris Pharma RNA拮抗剂,并与GlaxoSmithKline结成战略同盟,开探索、开发和商业化针对病毒疾病的新型药物。
Santaris Pharma is dedicated to the exciting new field of RNA-therapeutics, and is ready to deliver on the promise of the technology today. Our proprietary Locked Nucleic Acid Drug Platform and state-of-the-art Drug Discovery Engine are transforming the field of RNA-based medicines, making safe and effective modulation of disease-related RNAs an achievable goal.
The Company's drug development pipeline is focused on improving the treatment and outcome of patients with metabolic disorders and infectious diseases. In collaboration with our strategic partners, we are engaged in a broad array of additional therapeutic areas such as cancer, inflammatory diseases and rare genetic disorders.