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Stevens Stevens

美国Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc. 
Stevens Water Monitoring Systems是美国第一家水监测公司。该公司所设计和制造的检测仪器和系统,可有效的检测、收集和分析水质以及与水相关的环境状况。该公司所开发的技术使得水位,水质,地下水,土壤状况和气候状况的测量工作更为简便。Stevens 同时也提供受认证的无线传输环境数据技术,从短距离的蓝牙科技到远距离的卫星通讯解决方案。

1911年成立于俄勒冈州波特兰市,原属于Leupold & Stevens, Inc.的一个部门。在20世纪时,公司独创的图表记录器,被大量的运用在全世界的水质遥控监测上。

Stevens设计、制造和销售的产品所提供的环境数据,可以保护财产、维护人类生命、提升操作效率,并促进地球生态环境的管理。这些产品可用于监测和管理洪水预警、遥控气象站、 水域状况、灌溉、地下水、液体处理控制、数据采集与监视控制(SCADA)和犯罪学研究服务。服务内容包括监测站维护及系统设计的工程支持。

公司的遥测技术产品包括由美国国家海洋与大气署(NOAA)所认证的同步卫星发射机,可经由世界气象组织网的同步卫星传送环境数据;另外,由蓝牙认证的 ”Shark” 转接器,可达短距离数据通讯和控制的目的。

Stevens Water Monitoring Systems在全世界都有广大的客户群,当许多公司使用Stevens最先进的感应和数据通讯产品的同时,也有其它公司仍在使用Stevens早期的可靠产品。


Stevens Water Monitoring Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer and marketer of integrated hydrological, meteorological and oceanographic monitoring instrumentation, accessories and information systems that help optimize water resource management and enhance forecasting. Stevens first understands the customers' objectives and then provides an applicable system that consists of electronic sensors, data logging and process control instruments, communication equipment and necessary software for data presentation to help the customer understand environmental conditions and efficiently execute decisions.

Products & Services Summary
Stevens sells hydrological, meteorological and coastal oceanographic sensors, data collection platforms and telemetry communication systems for governments and industries that monitor and manage the environmental conditions, with emphasis on water resources. Services include first and foremost a customer service support staff to assure our customers' success. Other Stevens's services include engineering support on systems design, installation and commissioning; on-going monitoring station maintenance; and data collection and management

Targeted Environmental Market Segments
Stevens is the "HMO" to measuring and monitoring the health of our environmental conditions. Stevens focus targets on the following market segments that provide information to help better understand and manage our water resources:

Hydrological - the measurement of water level, water flow and water quality in streams, rivers, ponds, estuaries, irrigation canals, lakes, reservoirs and aquifers;
Meteorological - flood warning / forecast and weather station configurations defined as hydromet stations and agricultural stations; and
Oceanographic - tide gauge and current measurements for shipping channels, water quality, and tsunami warning.
