美国Structural Bioinformatics, Inc. (SBI)
Structural Bioinformatics 公司是计算蛋白质组领域的全球领导者,希望将其蛋白质建模系统从基于Oracle和 Sun的基础设施移植到一种新的解决方案上,最终决定用于IBM eServer xSeries服务器的Linux和Linux集群的 DB2,以及在Web上传送事务的IBM WebSphere Application Server的解决方案。对于一系列计算,其Linux操作系统与IBM硬件和DB2的完美结合可以帮助他们将基准成本从每次计算28美元左右降低到1美元以下。
Structural Bioinformatics, Inc. (SBI) is a world leader in proteomics-driven drug discovery – the large-scale generation and use of protein structural information to accelerate the discovery and optimization processes.
SBI’s Genes to Leads technology, employing SBI’s proprietary DynaPharm and CombiLib technologies, offers a truly practical response to the wealth of new drug targets emerging from genomic sequencing efforts around the world for the human genome and the genomes of hundreds of infectious disease agents. Our technology reliably produces drug leads – in 60-120 days - starting with the sequence alone, with an efficiency that is more than 1,000-fold greater than state-of-the-art high throughput screening (HTS). The efficiencies in speed and cost are the direct result of the use of our underlying proprietary computational proteomics platform that allows us to generate X-ray quality protein structures at a fraction of the cost and time.