英国Sense Proteomic
该公司发展和应用proteomics technology 来研究发明药物。发展和使用protein-related molecular 技术加强药物发明的生产力和加强它的治疗效果。
Sense Proteomic is using its functional protein array platform as a powerful new way of discovering disease-specific biomarkers. Autoantibodies are raised when the immune system attacks the body's own proteins in what is classically termed an autoimmune disease. Although many autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type I diabetes and lupus have been known for many years, the role of autoantibodies in non-autoimmune diseases has only been recognised more recently.
Specific autoantibodies occur in many diseases including cancer. These autoantibodies are often present years before any clinical manifestation of disease and thus have the potential to be presymptomatic indicators of pathological processes. The identification and characterisation of such autoantibodies in cancer and autoimmune diseases has the potential to enable the development of diagnostic tests with the high sensitivity and specificity necessary for early detection of disease.
Sense Proteomic is using its array technology to identify and quantify the autoantibodies present in patients to identify panels of biomarkers which are indicative of a particular disease. Novel diagnostic tests based on these biomarker panels will be created with the aim to improve the speed and accuracy of disease diagnosis.
By discovering panels of serum autoantibodies, we are defining antibody signatures which will enable:
improvement of disease diagnosis and prognosis
staging of the disease by monitoring the changes in autoantibody production through the disease's progression
monitoring of response to therapeutic interventions
improvement of clinical outcomes by the stratification of patients for clinical trials and treatment.
Sense Proteomic has identified biomarker panels for several diseases including prostate cancer and lupus; other biomarker discovery programs are in progress. If you are interested in partnering with us to discover autoantibody biomarkers for specific diseases, please contact us.