热景生物 Hotgen Biotech
热景生物(Hotgen Biotech)公司是海外留学人员创办的一家高新生物技术企业(GR201011000456),于2005年6月登记注册成立。着眼于新型体外诊断技术平台以及产品的研究开发,公司主要聚焦“新型肝炎肝纤维肝癌”诊断、防癌体检及现场快速免疫分析技术(POCT)领域,公司产业化的UPT上转发光技术平台是将稀土元素所构成的上转发光材料UCP应用于临床快速诊断、生物应急领域,企业掌握核心技术并拥有20多项目专利保护、产业化水平处于世界领先地位;是国际上唯一将上转化发光材料用于POCT检测并获得批准上市的企业,产品已经应用在临床POCT诊断、军队生物反恐、消防移动式生物侦检仪、口岸核生化有害因子检测等领域。
Beijing Hotgen Biotech Co., Ltd, located in Beijing Zhongguancun High-tech Development Zone, is a high-tech enterprise offering medicinal raw materials for IVD, diagnostic reagents and OEM service etc.
Hotgen Biotech is one of the top suppliers of IVD biological raw materials in China. Now we could offer the most kinds of raw materials in China and now we have more than 100 kinds of recombinant antigens and antibodies. With excellent quality and high performance, our raw materials-- including recombinant Ag and McAb--have been exported to North America. Our products are very popular for its excellent quality, large batch and little variation between each batch.
Our main products fall into 3 groups:
1. McAbs and recombinant protein products for ELISA and rapid test production.
McAbs products mainly covers antibody for infectious diseases and tumour markers, such as: anti-AFP, anti-t-PSA, anti-CA153, anti-CA724, anti-CEA, anti-CA125, anti-CRP, anti-IgA, anti-albumin Mab,anti-bA1, anti-Hb, anti-clenbuterol Mab, anti-morphine Mab, anti-transferrin, anti-HBsAg and anti-FluA/B etc. The sensitivity of our anti-HIV-p24 can reach to 10pg.
Recombinant products mainly include: HIV-Ag, TP-Ag, HCV-Ag, TB-Ag, HBV-Ag, HTLV-Ag, Protein A, Protein L etc, it could be used to produce the enzyme Immunoassay reagents and rapid test strips.
2. diagnostic test kit, includes rapid tests and diagnostic test reagents;
Diagnostic rapid tests, such as HCV rapid test (double antigen sandwich method), AFP rapid test, flu A/B rapid test etc.
ELISA test reagents, such as t-PSA ELISA test, CEA ELISA test, AFP ELISA test, CYFRA21.1 ELISA test, flu-A ELISA test for antigen, flu-B ELISA test for antigen, anti-HCV ELISA test, HIV ELISA test, HIV-1 P24 ELISA test, HIV Ag/Ab ELISA test, syphilis ELISA test, anti-HTLV(1+2) ELISA test, anti-TB ELISA test etc.
3. other accessories for diagnostic test manfacture, such as AFP-L3 rapid test device accessory, Protein A, Protein A-Sepharose CL4B, ConA, ConA Sepharose CL4B, CDI activated Sepharose CL 4B etc.
Our key products: anti-HCV diagnostic rapid test with double antigen sandwich method, HIV Ag/Ab ELISA test, HIV p24 Ag ELISA test, FluA/B rapid test and AFP rapid test.
As we are famous raw material suppliers for diagnostic test with top technology for diagnostic test, we could produce top diagnostic rapid test on our own with our brand as well as OEM co-operation, such as OEM production for ELISA test, rapid test and chemiluminescence assay etc.