德国Raytest isotopenmessgerate GmbH公司为欧洲一家专业的放射性同位素检测分析方案、及生物影像产品提供商,拥有强大的硬件、软件研发实力,树十年以来一直为同位素科学研究、生物影像科学,提供从科学分析到个人防护等一系列完整的解决方案。
Western blot分析仪
AIDA 专业成像分析软件模块(可支持不同源图象的对比)
FlaSH pro荧光标记染料
flash pro-blue 激发波长505 发射波长530
flash pro-green 激发波长555 发射波长580
flash pro-red 激发波长657 发射波长671
放射化学自动合成模块(应用: 放射药物,放射化学...)
放射性同位素色谱检测仪器(radio-HPLC,TLC,GC,u-HPLC) (应用:放射化学,核医学,核农学,同位素应用实验室)
Raytest部分用户,如拜耳、阿斯利康、奥地利维也纳Klinik für Nuklearmedizin PET Zentrum,德国海德堡Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ radiochemistry Im Neuenheimer,德国Euro PET Freiburg,意大利medipass srl公司,西班牙Clinica Universitaria,新西兰St Radboud 大学医学中心,波兰Regional Centre of Oncology Bydgoszcz,新加坡总医院PET中心,美国PETNET Pharmaceuticals West Tech Business Center,中国上海肿瘤医院PET中心等等
raytest Isotopenmessgeraete GmbH was founded on 23.09.1980 in Straubenhardt, Germany .
Even 40 years of experience in design and development of new scientific instrumentation is not enough to meet all new requirements of the latest research. Therefore we use every opportunity to talk to researchers in science and industry. We want to understand the new applications and want to work out new solutions. We want to demonstrate and evaluate our new equipment and programs. We want to discuss the results and find out what can be improved even more. This can only be done in close co-operation with many researchers. The life time of experience and on going improvement of our technology enables us to make the finest instruments which produce the best results. Therefore please contact raytest in order to find the best solutions for your scientific instrumentation of radio-chromatography and Bio-Imaging.
ISO 9001
Effective June, 16, 1998, raytest has achieved the ISO 9001 certification. ISO 9001 is the highest quality system of the global ISO 9000 series of quality assurance standards that was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
With ISO 9001 certification, raytest has established a definitive quality process that ensures reliability and consistency from the initial idea phase to the release of innovative new products, furthering the company's position within the international scientific community.