全国制药机械博览会(以下简称博览会)是亚洲最大的制药机械行业专业展会,自1991年创办至今已成功举办了43届,是中国商务部重点支持展会。第44届博览会将于2012年10月27 - 30日在武汉国际博览中心举办。
在刚刚结束的43届博览会上, 共有871家企业参展,其中包含博世、乌曼、伊马、菲特等国际展商42家,展品近万台套。总展览面积超过10万平方米,参观观众近9万人次,现场成交额近13亿元人民币。期间共举办20场国际论坛及技术交流会,听众约2000人次。
按国家食品药品监督管理局要求,血液制品、疫苗、注射剂等高风险药品,应在2013年12月31日前达到新版GMP要求。 预计44届全国制药机械博览会将是上述类型药品生产企业采购设备的高峰期。现国内外参展企业报名踊跃,博览会规模将再创新高。
CIPM is ASIA'S LARGEST pharmaceutical machinery industry show, it has been held for 43 times since the year of 1991. With 22 years of contributing to the Chinese pharmaceutical machinery industry, CIPM has firmly established itself as the industry's must-attend show.
The Chinese pharmaceutical industry is at major turning point due to the promulgation of the 2010 new China's GMP. It creates huge demand for advanced pharmaceutical equipment. For this reason, the scale of CIPM keeps growing.
The previous - 43rd CIPM was the largest in the event's 22 year history, with a record number of 871 exhibitors across the largest show floor in CIPM history - 106,000 square meter of exhibit space – and drawing a record of more than 90,000 attendees. More than 10,000 products were shown at the 43rd CIPM, which also featured top executives participating, including Bosch, Fette, GEA, Miele, Schneider, Uhlmann, etc. According to incomplete statistics, the value of the contracts signed during the 43rd CIPM exceeds 0.25 billion RMB。