美国Protea Biosciences
Protea的LAESI DP-1000系统利用激光烧蚀电喷雾技术(Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization,LAESI)来鉴定组织、血液、尿液、肝细胞和菌落等生物样品中的代谢产物、脂质、肽和蛋白质等生物分子。在无需或只需简单制备样品的情况下,就可以快速电离生物分子,并且在常规环境条件下将其准确地定位在特定细胞结构或组织位置。LAESI DP-1000与高分辨质谱仪联用时,也能够对生物分子定量。
Protea is a leader in the emerging field of Bioanalytics. The company develops new technology for the identification, characterization, and quantitation of biologically-important molecules for basic research, pharmaceutical development, and diagnostic applications.
Bioanalytics is the direct identification and characterization of the products of all living cells, including proteins, lipids, metabolites and nucleic acids. Bioanalytics is emerging as a crucial area, where new technology is needed to support the future of medical research, and virtually every other field of life science research.
We develop new bioanalytical methods that enable the direct analysis of proteins and other biomolecules, and apply our capabilities to support your laboratory's research objectives.