比利时Pronota NV
Pronota 正在研发一种新的血液诊断方法,此方法将用于心肾综合症及妇科疾病的诊断(先兆子痫,卵巢癌 。我们这种独特的研究方法是以血液中多种不同的蛋白质为标志物来断定身体的疾病状态、 疾病危险并做疾病预测。
Pronota is using its unique protein biomarker discovery technologies to develop a valuable pipeline of high value diagnostic tests. Because we start with no a priori assumptions about the identity of candidate biomarkers, and because our technology allows us to search for diagnostic biomarkers present in very low amounts in blood, we generate large numbers of novel, highly patentable, candidates with valuable diagnostic utility. Our lead programs are in the cardio-renal area and women’s health where we are developing tests that have the potential to make the same clinical and commercial impact as have the diagnostic blockbusters BNP and NT-proBNP.