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PDL BioPharma
PDL BioPharma PDL BioPharma

美国PDL BioPharma (PDL)
Protein Design Labs Inc.(PDLI), 是一个以研发人类单株抗体(Monoclonal Antibody)基因疗法为主的新兴生技公司。 PDL独家生产了多种微分子化合物和抗体, 除了目前在临床实验阶段的SMART Anti-CD3抗体(治疗免疫过敏和抗排斥用)、 Ostavir抗体(治疗B型肝炎感染)和M195(治疗血癌用)的研发计划外, PDL已有多项产品/专利授权给二十多家合作药厂,市场遍及美国、欧洲及日本。

由于PDL独家拥有抗体人类化(antibody humanization pateuts)的专利和服务项目, 因此公司的盈收除了产品的贩售外,有相当大的比例是由授权相关生技药厂将他们的蛋白质抗体转换成适用人体用途的权利金而来。举例来说,罗氏(Roche)药厂的Zenapax、 医学免疫公司的(Medimmune, Inc) 的Synagis和基因科技公司(Genentech)的Herceptin的量产和市场化都为PDL带来了可观的利润。

除了开拓和扩展现有的"人类化"(humanized)系列的抗体外,目前PDL也与史丹佛(Stanford)医学院的微生物及免疫实验所共同研发能够有效对付抗药性病菌的新型抗生素。其他的研发合作对象包括伊莱·利理和罗式(Roche)、日本器官(Nippon Organon)、BioNet GmbH等,合作的项目多以合成和代工新蛋白质(Noval Protein)为主。


PDL BioPharma (PDL) pioneered the humanization of monoclonal antibodies and, by doing so, enabled the discovery of a new generation of targeted treatments for cancer and immunologic diseases.

Our primary assets are our antibody humanization patents and royalty assets which consist of our Queen et al patents and license agreements with numerous biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies pursuant to which we have licensed certain rights under our Queen et al patents.

PDL is focused on maximizing the value of our antibody humanization patents and related assets. We receive royalties on sales of a number of humanized antibody products marketed today, and also may receive royalty payments on additional humanized antibody products launched before patent expiry in late 2014. The company intends to distribute these antibody humanization royalty revenues, net of any operating expenses, debt service and income taxes, to our stockholders. Under the right conditions, and at the right time, PDL will explore a monetization transaction when market conditions warrant.
